Kangxi Period (Qing Dynasty) Chinese Antique Foreign Export Charger

Kangxi Period (Qing Dynasty) Chinese Antique Foreign Export Charger
Kangxi Period (Qing Dynasty) Chinese Antique Foreign Export Charger
Kangxi Period (Qing Dynasty) Chinese Antique Foreign Export Charger
Kangxi Period (Qing Dynasty) Chinese Antique Foreign Export Charger

Kangxi Period (Qing Dynasty) Chinese Antique Foreign Export Charger
This is a Kangxi Period “Export” charger plate, serving as a base for smaller plates. Its noteworthy for being an “export” item, if you look closely at the design, the women playing instruments on feature are European, as noted by the hair style and small changes in design, that are unlike other pieces at the time. The plate is beautifully made featuring the signature cobalt blue on white eggshell white porcelain. In addition to the main central design, there are 8 smaller “panels” that surround the main feature. These feature more traditional scenes of nature and landscapes. It should also be noted that export items do not typically carry any kanji/seal indicative of other items of that time. This is an interesting item and piece of history, representative of global trade.
Kangxi Period (Qing Dynasty) Chinese Antique Foreign Export Charger